Spilnota Detector Media
Detector Media collects and documents real-time chronicles of the Kremlin propaganda about the Russian invasion. Ukraine for decades has been suffering from Kremlin propaganda. Here we document all narratives, messages, and tactics, which Russia is using from February 17th, 2022. Reminder: the increasing of shelling and fighting by militants happened on the 17th of February 2022 on the territory of Ukraine. Russian propaganda blames Ukraine for these actions

On 25 March, on the 1125th day of the full-scale war, our editorial office recorded:

Русскій фейк, іді на***!

Fake Charlie Hebdo cover dedicated to the Ukrainian rocket in Poland

Anonymous telegram channels that try to impersonate Ukrainians, such as “Naspravdi” (Actually) or “In reality in Kharkiv”, distribute a fake cover of Charlie Hebdo the French satirical magazine, which appeared to have been released on November 16 and was dedicated to the fall of a rocket in the Polish city of Przewodów where two people died. The cover says "Volyn massacre 2.0" as well as a Polish swear word. In fact, the next issue of the magazine came out on November 16, but on its cover is the French businessman and billionaire Vincent Bolloré.

Russian propaganda constantly invents the covers of famous magazines in order to promote the messages they need and in this case they say that it is Ukraine that is to blame for the tragedy in the Polish town. In fact, NATO, Poland and the United States have already stated that in any case, Russia, responsible for the deaths of two Poles, either launched a direct missile attack or started a war in Ukraine, which led to the fall of a Ukrainian missile. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi said it was not a Ukrainian missile, but is awaiting the conclusions of an investigation by Polish experts. Ukraine is also participating in the investigation into the circumstances of the tragedy.

Fake Ukraine staged a provocation in Poland to disrupt the grain agreement

It's hard to imagine, but Russian "experts" are spreading a new version of what happened in Poland. According to them, on November 15, Ukraine launched two rockets into Poland, which killed two people, in order to “derail the grain agreement”, and thus “blame Russia for creating a food crisis” in the world. It is not entirely clear how the murder of two farmers can lead to the cancellation of the grain deal, and how Ukraine is interested in this disruption, but it is obvious why such a thesis is spread by the Russian propaganda media: they now need to explain why the agreement was extended by 120 days, despite the fact that Russia, and Putin himself, has constantly threatened to withdraw from the agreement.

Now, despite such incomprehensible arguments, one can say: although Ukraine tried to disrupt the grain agreement, Russia resisted, won and extended it in order to show the whole world that it does not want to provoke a famine. In fact, Russia has already caused a global food crisis: it stole grain and agricultural products from Ukraine; burned fields and destroyed elevators; blocked almost all seaports from which Ukraine could supply its products. And at some point it even announced that it was terminating the agreement due to fake reports that it was Ukraine that attacked the Russian Black Sea fleet launching drones from ships carrying grain.

But both Ukraine and Turkey ignored Russia's threats to terminate the agreement and continued to export grain, and that is why Russia stopped claiming to have withdrawn from the agreement. And today, the agreement itself was extended automatically, however, on November 19 the agreement could be terminated if one of the parties has significant comments or objections. No one, not even Russia, had such, so the agreement was automatically extended for another 120 days. Now Russian propagandists are trying hard to explain why Putin said two weeks ago that Russia would withdraw from the agreement, and now it has been extended for four months, and Russia has not even bargained for additional terms. That is why they come up with explanations about how heroically they did not allow Ukraine to disrupt the agreement.

Manipulation Kherson residents who did not want to live "in Russia" now suffer in Ukraine

Russian propaganda resources, in particular Volodymyr Soloviov's telegram channel, are happy to post photos of queues in Kherson, where people stand for water, humanitarian aid, phone cards and the like. They also write that those who did not want to live under the “Russian world” now should “survive under the Ukrainian one”. This is open and direct manipulation.

In Kherson, after the liberation, the situation is very difficult: there is no electricity, communication, Internet, water, heating, problems with medicines and food. But these are the consequences of the Russian occupation, during which the Russians first robbed the city, then destroyed critical infrastructure facilities, including gas and water supply systems, and energy supply. Now local utilities are trying to return light and heat to the city as soon as possible, volunteers bring water and humanitarian aid, mobile operators distribute mobile cards so that people can call relatives in other cities. The authorities are asking people not to return to the liberated city for the time being due to the difficult humanitarian situation. But all this is the fault of the Russians, who systematically and massively stole from the Ukrainians and Ukraine everything that could be taken out (for example, a raccoon), and everything that they could not loot was destroyed.

Examples of how the “Russian world” operates can be found in any Ukrainian cities under occupation: systematic looting, destruction of civilian infrastructure, destruction of everything that cannot be sent to Russia.

Manipulation The decision of the President's Office to speed up the supply of light only made it worse

Telegram channels from a network run by Russian intelligence are promoting the following message: Ukrainians have suffered because of the decision of the President's Office to restore power as soon as possible. Firstly, their equipment breaks down, and secondly, this will lead to fires and big problems with the energy system. This is manipulation.

Firstly, because the Office of the President does not turn on or order the lights to be turned on after massive shelling by the Russian army. This is done by the state enterprise Ukrenergo together with local services, as well as the DTEK concern. They bring light to homes whenever possible, they also turn it off: sometimes according to the schedule to stabilize the system, sometimes in an emergency - after damage to the system and before it is restored.

Secondly, this manipulation is an attempt to blame the Ukrainian government or the president for blackouts in order to divert attention from the main culprit, that is, Russia. Ukrainians now often live without electricity due to the fact that Russia is massively shelling the objects of the energy system of Ukraine, it has been doing this systematically since October 10th. This is a war crime for which Russia is responsible. And the Ukrainian government and the power industry itself are trying to restore this system after the destruction. Unfortunately, the situation is critical. And fires occur in Ukraine not because of the voltage fluctuations, but because of Russian missiles.

Fake The British conceded the problems with the Ukrainian recruits

The Kremlin media are spreading another fake - that Ukrainian recruits who are studying in the UK are "shocked by the seen" as the "ignorant" "came from the villages" and it will be “difficult for them to resist those mobilized and trained from Russia”. The Kremlin media cite an article by the Financial Times. The article is really talking about the training of the Ukrainian military, and the instructors really talk about several problems in training the Ukrainians: the training lasts 5-6 weeks while the British military has 14 weeks. And the Ukrainians are from different units, so it will be difficult for them in the future when they return to their own units. But this is all.

Not a word is mentioned about "villages", about "lack of education", or that the Ukrainian military is "shocked" by training conditions that simulate conditions close to combat - including a lot of blood and torn off fake limbs; there are also actors playing the roles of the wounded. All these phrases about “not professional enough” Ukrainian recruits were simply invented by Russian propagandists and added to the news, referring to the Financial Times. At the same time, the following phrase was thrown out of the text by Lieutenant Colonel Harris, who supervises Ukrainian recruits:

“They are the most motivated, determined, hungry-to-learn trainees that I’ve worked with across the world in my 20 years of soldiering. That they train in water up to their knees for 36 hours and can still laugh, joke and quickly answer questions says it all for me.”

Russian propaganda is constantly trying to convince their local audience and part of the Ukrainian that mobilization will “turn the tide” of events at the front and that the Ukrainian military does not know how to fight. They attribute Russia's defeats in the war to the abilities of mythical "foreign mercenaries" and "NATO command".

Fake The Ukrainian authorities are Nazi because they renamed Novohrad-Volynskyi to Zviahel

Russian telegram channels, as part of a large narrative about “Nazi” Ukraine or “Ukrainians as descendants of Nazis”, have come up with and promote another fake: it seems that on November 16 the city of Novohrad-Volynskyi, Zhytomyr region, was renamed into Zviahel and it proves that the Ukrainian government is “Nazi”. As proof, they spread the word that the city had this name during the German occupation in 1941-1944. And indeed it is.

But at the same time, this city was called Zviahel (or modifications of this name) from the moment of its establishment - at least from the first mention of the city in 1256. And for more than 500 years it had borne this name - until the partition of Poland under Catherine II who ordered the name Zviahel to be changed to Novohrad-Volynskyi in 1795. From then until 2022, with the exception of four years of occupation, the city had the name that was invented for it under the Russian Empress, and this year the historical name was finally returned. By the way, Lesia Ukrainka and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valerii Zaluzhnyi were born in this city.

Fake The head of the city council of Lublin accused Ukraine of shelling the Polish city

Russian propaganda media massively disseminate the statement of the head of the Lublin city council Yaroslav Pakula, who allegedly accused Ukraine of provocation, that is, of the deliberate shelling of the Polish city of Przewoduv, where on November 15 two people died from a rocket fall.

“Obviously, this is a Ukrainian missile. Obviously, this is a provocation on the part of the Ukrainian authorities. The purpose of the provocation is to speed up the supply of weapons to Ukraine, to intimidate Europe with a terrible Russia, so that civil society demands from the governments of European countries to increase assistance to Ukraine”, Pakula’s words are allegedly quoted in publications. But the StopFake project found out that the Facebook page on which this post was published was created on November 16, 2022. That is the day after the missile hit. Moreover, all the posts posted on it were also made public exactly on November 16 but the date in them was changed to the previous ones. At the time of publication of the news of the Russian media, which quoted "Pakula", there was not a single like or share of this post. Fact checkers have contacted Pakula and are waiting for his comment, but it is clear that the Facebook page was created on purpose to spread disinformation.

Previously, Russian propagandists have repeatedly used fake pages of politicians or media to spread fakes. Russia is also trying to quarrel with its closest neighbors and partners, so it constantly promotes fakes about Poland and its relations with Ukraine.

Andrii Pylypenko, Lesia Bidochko, Oleksandr Siedin, Kostiantyn Zadyraka, and Oleksiy Pivtorak are collaborating on this chronicle. Ksenia Ilyuk is the author of the project.